
FME warns of no-deal Brexit

Paul van Gerven
Leestijd: 1 minuut

A hard Brexit is unavoidable and a no-deal Brexit has become a very likely scenario, FME chair Ineke Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink warns in a blog post. She urges any company currently doing business in the United Kingdom while lacking experience exporting across EU borders to start preparing. She also recommends checking supply chains for obstacles that may arise once the EU and the UK erect a hard border.

The warning follows a stalled negotiation process between the EU and UK. The latter left the EU officially last January, but a one-year transition phase was implemented to hammer out a new trade relationship. It’s unlikely that the two parties will reach an agreement before 1 January 2021, however, due to diametrically opposed positions and the corona crisis.

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