Erik Jan Marinissen is scientific director at Imec.

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Export control: high tech meets geopolitics

Leestijd: 3 minuten

Why should the national security of the US dictate export control regulations of the Low Countries, Erik Jan Marinissen and his famous co-author wonder. There are other factors to consider.

Chances are that you, as a high-tech engineer or engineering manager, have been confronted with export control regulations in some way or another. These regulations aim to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, terrorism and other national security threats by limiting the access of certain countries, entities, organizations or named individuals to these sensitive technologies or materials. Incidentally, “national” typically refers to the United States of America.

For most of us, it’s easy to understand and agree with rules that prohibit the export of arms, ammunition or military equipment to countries that are in armed conflicts, support terrorism, form a threat to our own national security and/or have other malicious intentions. However, not all export control regulations are aimed solely at making the world a more peaceful place.

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