Peter de With is a professor of video content analysis at Eindhoven University of Technology.


AI is going green

Leestijd: 3 minuten

AI and deep learning surveillance techniques are making inroads in food production, observes Peter de With.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deep learning for data-driven system solutions have revolutionized vision-based system designs in the past years at an ultrahigh pace. This high change rate isn’t expected to relax anytime soon. On the contrary, with the advent of transformers, a type of neural network that excels in image classification, a new wave of innovations is expected to come upon us. This technology can be inserted in just about every digital system or sub-system design in which signal patterns or signal behavior are learned and improved by data-driven algorithms.

Our research group started a few years ago to put surveillance in a broader perspective than just the behavior of people or other traffic participants. This is how we ended up working with several animal breeding companies, along with Wageningen University & Research. Those companies are nothing to sneeze at, with a turnover of billions of euros and research departments stocked with well-educated and highly skilled people who have an open mind toward new technical developments.

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